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Tips on how to make money using ur web or blog

1. Maintaining Momentum

According to Technorati’s research, one blog is created every second and that’s 86,400 per day or 31,536,000 per year. That is a huge figure considering that almost half of the planet earthlings are not connected to the internet.
The blogosphere continues to double about every 5.5 months and about 13% of all blogs are updated at least weekly. The main issue is how long does a blogger blogs before giving up? A week? One month? According to Technorati, half of the new blogs become redundant after just three months.

There is a name for these blog - they’re often called splogs or blog junks. Most bloggers started out with a good intention, always with a big picture in their mind. The secret path to success is the ability to continuing blogging consistently. It doesn’t matter if no one drop any comments or someone uses harsh words banging you, the ability to maintain the momentum and chunk out interesting articles is the key to success. Most blogs takes an average of 6 months to built up the much needed momentum to leap frog one to the other stage.

2. Topics

Choosing the right topic is like choosing the right partner, if you choose the wrong topic, especially the one that you’ve got no interest in, chances are you’ll soon end up in a crossroad. I’ve come across bloggers that create blogs that target high paying keywords.

The best topic would be something of your interest, be it music or art that has a niche market in the digital world. If you’re passionate about the topic you are blogging, chances are you will never run out of ideas, remember - maintain the momentum is the key to success.

3. Blogging Platform

There are a few blogging platform to choose from, the current market leaders are Blogger, Wordpress and MoveableType. I would say that these three platform has the lion share in the blogging world. All have their plus and minus points.

Depending on your budget, if you’ve got the money and the desire to blog, then by all means get a paid hosting and host your own blog. The plus point in having your own domain name and hosting server is the ability to get a better ranking in Google Search Engine. Most search engine tend to shy away from free hosting server, even Google rank blogs from their own below others that has their own unique names.

If you are not sure about getting your own paid hosting plans, I would recommend you to try out this reliable hosting company 3iX, its a Singapore based hosting company and you get a 14 day trial. Unlike GoDaddy, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to install Wordpress, 3iX offers everything with a single click, yup, you can install Wordpress with a single click.

4. Diversity of opportunities

Diversifying is the key to success, bloggers that seek a steady flow of income should have multiple blogs that spread across different server and topics so as not to put all their eggs in one basket. Multiple blogs doesn’t mean one has to stick to a single contextual advertising company, recent years have witness the addition of a variety of viable advertising options for bloggers. Unlike the year before 2005, adsense and blogads and a handful of other are the only option available.

Source :

Customizing Your Blogger Template

How to create a blog with Blogger - video

How to youtube video convert to mp3 ?

Use this software to convert youtube to mp3 files =)

Download here

Enjoy !

Free website to create

If you wanted to create website, this is a site which you can create it for FREE.

Enjoy . =)

How to unlock all Street Fighter 4 secret characters ?

1. Akuma: After unlocking Sakura Kasugano, Dan Hibiki, Cammy White, Fei Long, Gen, and Rose. First finish the arcade mode (on any difficulty) with any character, in this case use that same character for this second or later playthrough. Then fight Akuma on arcade mode, to do that get: at least 1 perfect round on 1-round matches (or 2 perfects on 3-round matches / 3 perfects on 5-round matches / 4 perfects on 7-round matches) including the last battle against Seth. No ultra combo finishes needed. But you can’t lose any matches/rounds nor use a continue when you die. Beating Akuma will unlock him.

2. Cammy White: Finish the arcade mode with Crimson Viper. That will unlock her.

3. Dan Hibiki: Finish the arcade mode with Sakura Kasugano. That will unlock him.

4. Fei Long: Finish the arcade mode with Abel. That will unlock him.

5. Gen: Finish the arcade mode with Chun-Li. That will unlock him.

6. Gouken: After unlocking Akuma, Sakura Kasugano, Dan Hibiki, Cammy White, Fei Long, Gen, and Rose. First finish the arcade mode (on any difficulty) with Akuma, and watch (not necessary to watch everything) an ending. In this case to play also use a character you already finished arcade mode with, and with which you watched the ending once, for his/her second or later playthrough. Then fight Gouken on arcade mode, to do that get: at least 1 perfect round on 1-round matches (or 2 perfects on 3-round matches / 3 perfects on 5-round matches / 4 perfects on 7-round matches), plus at least 3 Super Combo or Ultra Combo Finishes on 1-round matches (or 5 super/ultra finishes on 3-round matches / 7 super/ultra finishes on 5-round matches / 9 super/ultra finishes on 7-round matches), and at least 5 First Attacks — meaning you must score the first strike in a match — in 1 match (or 10 first attacks in 3-round matches / 15 first attacks in 5-round matches / 20 first attacks in 7-round matches). But you can’t lose any matches/rounds nor use a continue when you die. Beating Gouken will unlock him.

7. Rose: Finish the arcade mode with M. Bison. That will unlock her.

8. Sakura Kasugano: Finish the arcade mode with Ryu. That will unlock her.

9. Seth: Finish the arcade mode with all 24 other characters. That will unlock him.

Unlockable Japanese Voices: Beat Arcade Mode once and the option to switch to Japanese character voices will appear in the Options menu.
Unlockable Artwork: Complete the Combo Challenge for a character to unlock his or her artwork for the Gallery.
Unlockable Prologue and Ending Movies: Beat Arcade Mode with a character to unlock his or her ending and prologue movies in the Gallery.

Unlockable Colors, Taunts and Titles: Complete the following challenges once with any character to unlock the below listed rewards.
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)1 - Color 3
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)2 - Personal Action 2
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)3 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)4 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)5 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)6 - Color 5
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)7 - Personal Action 4
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)8 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)9 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)10 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)11 - Color 7
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)12 - Personal Action 6
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)13 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)14 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)15 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)16 - Color 9
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)17 - Personal Action 8
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)18 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)19 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Normal)20 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Hard)1 - Title
* Beat Time Attack(Hard)2 - ?
* Beat Time Attack(Hard)3 - ?
* Beat Time Attack(Hard)4 - ?
* Beat Time Attack(Hard)5 - ?
* Beat Survival(Normal)1 - Color 4
* Beat Survival(Normal)2 - Personal Action 3
* Beat Survival(Normal)3 - Title
* Beat Survival(Normal)4 - Title
* Beat Survival(Normal)5 - Title
* Beat Survival(Normal)6 - Color 6
* Beat Survival(Normal)7 - Personal Action 5
* Beat Survival(Normal)8 - Title
* Beat Survival(Normal)9 - Title
* Beat Survival(Normal)10 - Title
* Beat Survival(Normal)11 - Color 8
* Beat Survival(Normal)12 - Personal Action 7
* Beat Survival(Normal)13 - Title
* Beat Survival(Normal)14 - Title
* Beat Survival(Normal)15 - Title
* Beat Survival(Normal)16 - Color 10
* Beat Survival(Normal)17 - Personal Action 9
* Beat Survival(Normal)18 - Title
* Beat Survival(Normal)19 - Title
* Beat Survival(Normal)20 - Title
* Beat Survival(Hard)1 - Title
* Beat Survival(Hard)2 - Title
* Beat Survival(Hard)3 - Title
* Beat Survival(Hard)4 - Title
* Beat Survival(Hard)5 - Personal Action 9



What you would do on this special day?

Some ppl will say " go clubbing la~", " go watch movie" , " go yam cha" , "sleep la deng~ " and so on...haha

At first, I didnt plan to go clubbing, but all of the sudden I got some fren wanted to go, and I get free entry and drink also. Then, no choice ady...If I don't go, I feel bad of myself..hahaha! =p

Morning till evening, nth special..just like normal routine, go uni and work.

At night go to mos at 9.30...but my fren later only he joined us. That night I go with siew yan , beatrice, mel, eric, and dao~ I just met them once last time in mos, but this time also go mos..haha! fuiyoh~ i remember all your name..hahaha!

At mos, they are giving free flow from 9.30 - 10.30 but only can get 1 beer..because damn alot ppl wan to drink, macam tak pernah drink...hahaha! =p

The crowd is not so happening as I expected. At that night, I saw some of my frens also, Roger and his gf, Raymond and Muhammad also joined =)

Besides that, alot dancer came of that night too (fellest, alex and so on) .

Anyway, not bad bah that night, just met some new frens ^^

Life still has to go on~


Random 2

7 / 9 / 2009

Today is HOLIDAY! but only for SELANGOR ppl!, cheh! not fair at no matter what also have to go class..haiz..

Today late for class! thanks to kenny to call me about which class is OOP...hahahaha! But in the end, the lecturer also late than me! maybe because yesterday too much of facebook FAN CHECK every1 keep spamming and i receive damn alot complains..LOL

Anyway, Wish my fren siew pei, Happy Birthday! Her bday very BIG until skip all classes..HAHAhaha! but actually is not her

There is 1 thing i wanna share here...XD
Her house got 1 balcony, then there is a theif came to her balcony when they are not around.
Then my friend put cctv on her balcony there lo..normal ma..den today he came again..swt

The most important part is this.....

Wondering what he going to steal ma ?

TV? no

Laptop? no

Cloths ? no

Ok...let you guess 5 mins..hahaha!

The answer is...
BRA!!! LOL! So damn funny when i heard it =.=!
haizz bra also wan to steal meh!!!
the condo so damn big...why go there la~ zadao betul!


ok finish my story~
time to sleep soon =)


Merdeka day. What should you do ? go Genting? Curve? Klcc? lolx!

Early in the morning, the damn helicopter is very annoying ! because they are on the way to dataran merdeka i guess. And my sweet dream just gone~~~ aikz! cuz of the damn sound helicopter..Later on, I went to edit picture , take picture, and so on...then went to sleep again...haha! At night yam cha with frenz , and plan to watch ophans! Too bad no more tickets and so "song" went to tropicana mall and the cinema is closed, damn fun =.=! *konon-nya*
Thats all for Merdeka day!
Malaysia boleh! XD! =p

Holiday ?

After finished exams last week, and I have only have 1 week holiday??!?!? For what! XD
The time just passed so fast until i didnt realize that Merdeka is coming and my uni life is going to start again, and also going to work part time ady. But nvm bah, this is the time to work hard and work Harder. Or else, sitting at home also not a good idea...haha!

Going to change my layout again! this time going to make it real NICE! =)
Anyway, Happy Birthday to Michelle! Hope you enjoy yesterday! ^^
Stay Tune!

What I waiting ?

Hohoho~ 2molo is last day of my final exams! but it has 2 subjects in 1 day! haiz...going to study like mad ady..
After exams...what I should do leh? What I waiting ?






Hope everything will going just fine =)

by unknown

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Hey people! If you have free time, please go to

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Thank you so much ^^

Save the Earth.

I was thinking what I'm going edit and which words match with the pictures. And need some creative ideas and pictures, so I can learn my creativity better =)
Here is today pictures:

What I have been doing ?

oppsss..I think I have disappear for quite awhile. And didnt actually "blog" it here. Maybe because I'm too lazy to blog? Perhaps. I have been studying my degree in computing, now I'm just in year 1 semester 2. Soon I have final exams on 18, 19, 20 August. I think I should start study for the final exams because there are 4 subjects, which is pretty tough=). But sick and work is disturbing my mind *lol* Cant really concentrate what I study..haha
Now I finishing all sort of work , then I can concentrate my study. But it must take sometime for me..haha
Hmm..why I so busy recently? many ppl asking me this question, so I just tell it here =)
I would say I'm working in 2 most active business which is
popping monkey and web design.

Popping monkey has created since few months ago only, and I feel not bad after I done everything on it. It's business partner with one of my fren, vince . It's still beginning , there are more coming up soon on it. Just the matter of time and effort to work it out. The sales I would say so far so good, and we haven officially promote our site, I just promote in forum or friendster only. Nothing much in promote so far. Will be done asap for it =) . Sooner or later I'm going to build wholesale on a website too. Stay tune ^^! .

For the website part, I would say I haven officially done the web base. Before I start this, I have been looking around for more opportunity. So, now I'm going to start it and I will post it here once Im done! =) This website design is also a partnership business with one of my uni fren.

So, another part of my "buzyness" is I have been looking around for part time and internship. Both part time and internship I have found! I went to interview and just "kao tim" ! Not so easy as you think *lol* . I show what I have done for web design and others. So he impress what I have done previously =) The salary is not too high nor too low. Just ok for a normal trainee. I'm not focus on salary at this moment, and I'm focus on what I would to learn after I work with them. I would say because it is international company which is very very experienced . The time is flexible! This is what I like the most ! It doesn't matter what time you come, just the requirement is work for 3 days in a week.

I think I should stop here due to my sickness, I hope I can get well soon! and everything will back to normal! =)